Wednesday, May 27, 2015


It all started with the boys running RCVs in the kitchen. Caleb wanted to sit on the island while the others raced the cars around it. That would have been okay, IF Caleb had pushed the margarine a little further back before he sat down!

Caught with the evidence still on him!


Ginger snaps
(these had no smashed margarine in them, only shortening)

Peanut Butter SPLATS
The peanut butter cookies are the ones that we used the smashed margarine in.

All the cookies turned out great! Caleb helped me mix the dough (with me supervising). :) We got a good laugh out of it! :) :)


The garden is doing very well this year! I'm praying we get a good harvest! 

Bell Peppers

Green beans
Caleb really, really does not like to pick green beans... looks like he'll have to help a little... Poor guy!


Hot peppers

Mom's Onions

Before and After of the Barn

Today I cleaned out the barn from about 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (times are estimated)! It was hard work, but seeing it looking so much better was a reward in itself. Sam helped me with some of it. Thank you, Sam! Even though I clean up the main piles every other day or so, it still just gets yucky with hay and anything else that I don't get.




Water gets inside the barn and leaves wet patches. So, that part is clean, it just doesn't look like it. :)

Some of our naughty hens have been getting out and laying their eggs in Talitha's hay. Well, I came upon this sight this morning. Raccoons are what I think happened. We hadn't collected those eggs yet, so they must have found them and had a feast! :) Sam and I are thinking of putting a live trap in here so that we can catch them. Next thing we know it will be the chickens they feast on!

Tired of Talitha pictures yet??

I hope not! :) :) Because the closer to her due date she gets the more pictures I'll be taking, I think. :P

Isn't she sweet? Thats my fat little girl for ya!

I was messing with the setting on the camera and got this neat picture. Also, the barn picture at the bottom of this post.

Her tail is so fluffy! When it's all brushed out it looks like a show cows tail! :)

More milk or no???
When we hit June it will only be one month or so till we get a CALF!!

The Barn

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Video of Talitha :)

She is learning how to get untangled from her rope! :)

I had another video, but blogger won't let me upload it. :(
So thats all for now!


Comparison pictures of Talitha! :) :)

 March 22nd, 2015 (5 months along)

May 20th, 2015 (7 months along)

March 22nd, 2015 (5 months along)

May 22nd, 2015 (7 months along)

March 1st (5 months along)

May 12th, 2015 (7 months along)
Keep in mind that she lost her winter coat. Although, I still think she looks bigger in the March photo. :)

I am so excited! A calf in about a month!!! :) :)

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Sunshine & 'Chicken and Ham Pie'


Cherries! Praise the Lord, it looks like we'll get a good harvest! That was my prayer!

Grass is growing!




Mom, Emmie, and KK planted some flowers. They will look really nice once they get established.

KK and Watson

Emmie is showing me a big earth worm. :)

Talitha was tied out very close to where we were working. :) She enjoyed watching us.


Playing with his truck.

Chicken and Ham Pie

Flour, butter, and salt for the crust.

Add a little water and you have a pie crust!

Now into the fridge for 30 minutes.

Cutting up the ham.

Thyme, mace, pepper, and basil. :)

Chicken and ham

Mince it all up!

Add spices and sour cream (it called for cream, but we didn't have any)


Into the crust you go!

Egg wash it and put it in the oven!

Anyone want to try a little?

The boys and Dad ate it up! I haven't asked them how they liked it, but all of it got eaten!

All for now folks!