Monday, April 18, 2016

Planting Potatoes

Saturday was a very busy day at the Grice home! Emmie, Sam, and I went to Atlantic for MORE potatoes (because I didn't think that I had enough). But before we went to Atlantic we stopped at the boy's job site so they could fill the van's tire.

KK, Ben, and Josh were there. :)

Once I got home from Atlantic I cut the potatoes up and left them in the sun so they would dry faster.

The boys only had a short day at work, so they came home a little before lunch. Here Josh is cutting down two trees.

KK didn't get this garden tilled deep enough so I marked out where my potato rows would be and he tilled them deeper.

I estimated that I planted 360 potatoes! 30 potato slices per row 8" apart and I planted 12 rows. 

I had promised the boys that I'd make ice-cream. :) 
So we had ice-cream and popcorn for supper.

It was yummy! We made vanilla and chocolate.

Spring is HERE!

Spring has arrived, and with it gardening! On Thursday Josh tilled one of the gardens, then Friday afternoon, KK tilled the potato garden.
Friday morning Mom and I went up to Atlantic to get seed potatoes and some seeds. Once I got home I cut the potatoes and set them out to dry. Then I made little gardens inside the big garden, because I don't like seeing a big overwhelming garden. When it's broke into sections it seems more doable. Also it will keep the beets, carrots, onions, and strawberries in one spot. :) That afternoon Sam and I planted the little gardens with beets, carrots, onions, and strawberries. After we finished that we started to work on planting the corn. Josh and KK got home from work and helped us. KK tilled the potato garden and Josh helped us plant.

Sam planting beets

The Lord has blessed us with wonderful dirt!

And wonderful brothers!!

Josh and Sam marking out the corn rows. I like to keep the strings up for a while because grass grows very well in the garden. :) And most of you know that grass and corn look very similar when they are little. :) We used baling twine for the string. Which works very nice! We have lots from Talitha's hay.

KK tilling the potato garden. 
We had let this garden sit unused for one year, during which we put ash, manure, and planted grass on it.


All planted!

Hammering in the stakes.

Tying the strings

Here Sam is trying to tie a knot behind his back. He did get it eventually!

Sweet little people...

Did I ever mention that I have the sweetest little nieces and nephew? Here are a few pictures and videos just to show their cuteness (sorry there aren't any of Alaina!)

Katelyn and I

Joseph and I

KK put Joseph in his big boots. They are almost as tall as the little man!

So so sweet!

Joseph was helping Emmie with laundry...

The littles love this game

I cleaned the barn really well last week, because it was bothering me how messy it was!


After :)

(Watson hardly moved the whole time I was cleaning the barn!)


Sam mowed one of my pastures, because it helps keep the weeds down, and he wanted to do it. :)

Only three pigs now... two of them went to the butcher last week (I think it was last week...). The big female pig weighed 350# and the other male pig weighed 222# hanging weight. So they were some big pigs!!

Swiss cheese, ham, and poppy seed sandwiches. So so yummy!!

Open the door of your heart, and let the Light of the world shine in!

Monday, April 4, 2016

Our life...

Isn't she CUTE?!?!

Grandma and Grandpa love their grandchildren

Lots of milk!
We share our milk with the families at Church, so this is a load of milk headed for Church where we are gonna distribute it.

Daddy being silly :)

The apple didn't fall far form the tree! KK is so much fun!

Emmie and I got some yummy drinks at McDonalds.
Shamrock Shake and a Caramel Frappe 

My sweet brothers, Josh and Sam, making breakfast

Sam and I :)

KK was trying out his new microphone for his camera :)

I was thinking that I hadn't posted many pictures of Talitha lately, so here are a few.

She is really enjoying the grass!


Sweet little Joseph <3

On Thursday of last week KK texted Emmie and I telling us that we should get all the guys at the job site hot chocolate and cookies. Well, being that it would be expensive to buy all that, we decided  to go home and make them fresh homemade cookies and hot chocolate. 


Josh working away!

KK told me I could...

A paper mache nose, and cotton eyebrows and mustache. Oh! And soot!

All gone! Well, almost!

My brothers...

Josh straining the milk

Yum yum!

It's kinda hard to see, but Josh, KK, and Sam helped me build a fence to divided the pasture in half. I'm hoping to keep Talitha from eating the pasture down too much.

Josh also build a ramp inside the barn for the pigs to run up and into a trailer. Two of the pigs went to the butcher today. :( :( I'm a little sad. I just try not to think to much about it.

Cleaning the barn is a job that I really enjoy!

Never ending manure! :) :)