Monday, October 31, 2016

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Meat Balls

I organized the spice cupboard. :)

Some spices expired in 2010 others didn't have dates... :O


Thawing the meat

Softening the onions

Meat ball mixture

Sauce mixture

Added the onions

Making the meat balls

All done

I made mashed potatoes, green beans, and meat balls

Everyone loved them!

Barn supplies

Talitha :)

Talitha eating some minerals


Fall leaves

Preparing the pastures for next year

KK mowing the pasture

The chicken manure (for fertilizer)

All done!

Mowing two other pastures

It was so nice out

I found this buried in the dirt

The garden needs a helping hand. I think that's my next project!

Chicken manure all spread out on the pasture! I'm putting chicken manure on one and cow manure on the other. We'll see which does better. :)

Life at the Grices'

KK took these pictures...

Mommy's flowers

We had our first frost on October 15th!


Emmie and I cooking (Sam too)

Katelyn all grown up

Ben (on the right) turned 21 on the 17th!

He got monster candles! :P

Painting the Barn

The barn has needed paint BADLY for a LONG TIME!

Mom, KK, Sam, Katelyn, and I painted the lower stuff.
Josh painted (well, he still is working on it) the high up stuff. :)