Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Fall Is Here!

Fall has arrived in all it's beauty and glory

So has the season of hot chocolate, tea, coffee, and warm soups.

Oh yes, pumpkin spice EVERYTHING! I love it though. Pumpkin spice flavored things are so yummy! Someone told my Grandma that they get tired of everything being pumpkin this pumpkin that. We both agreed that we actually look FORWARD to the "pumpkin spice" time of year. :)
What about you?

A storm that rolled through...

Mister Buddy still moos for his mommy once in a while, but I think he's getting used to looking at her through fences. :)

He get grass hay, alfalfa, sweet feed, corn, and calf grower pellets.

Oh, of course, water. :) Believe it or not, I just cleaned his pen... Boys will be boys!

Look at that MESS!!!

All piled up ready to go out to the manure pile

All gone!

Much better!

Gold for a farmer

I still need to pick some of the pumpkins. God has been SO good to me this year! I can't thank Him enough! I prayed when I planted the pumpkins that they would survive so that Sam could actually get some pumpkins. Well, God answered my prayer! Praise Him!

The little chicks pen needed cleaned

Much better!

Happy birds!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, love fall! Beautiful panorama! (I think that's how you say it. )
