Monday, July 17, 2017


Mom and Dad were gone almost the whole week of July 4th. So Emmie decided to paint the kitchen. :) It looks so nice!

Getting everything taped off


Oh dear...

Look how messy the kitchen is!

While all this was going on, Josh and I took Sandy to the vet, because she was sick.

Poor girl

Going to a vet on the 4th is not necessarily a good idea. It will cost you a pretty penny...

But, Sandy was worth it to me.

The vet thought it was mastitis, but I am almost sure it wasn't. Oh well! She got all checked out and is just fine, except she seemed off. 

Back at home, they were starting on the blue paint.

It turned out so pretty!

That evening we went to Atlantic to watch the fireworks.

All done! Afterwards we went home and had ice-cream. :)

The next morning, more painting...

Emmie painted Sam's hair, so I washed it out. :P

Emmie and I painted the dining room as a surprise for Mommy. :)

To keep Sam busy Emmie had him wash the fridge handles. :)

Emmie painted the ceilings too. She worked SO hard!

Josh put the rest of the trim up in the kitchen as another surprise for Mommy.

Touching things up...

Sandy was doing a little bit better...

I wondered if Sandy had eaten some metal, so I decided to give her a magnet.

Snapping more green beans.

Nathan and Virginia are going to have a boy! <3 <3

The kitchen in the evening sunshine.

When Mom and Dad arrived home they LOVED the paint and trim. :) We had chicken, green beans, and potatoes for dinner.

Mom and Dad went to visit Grandma.

Sandy is now 100% better!! Praise the Lord!

I also canned the green beans I snapped. :)


  1. I'M SO EXCITED FOR NATE AND VIRGINIA! ♡♡♡♡♡♡ that's so exciting! =D
    Whoaaa, your kitchen looks so wonderful! I love the color and it totally fits it! That's great!
    Do you know why Sandy was sick? I'm glad she's better now!

    1. Thank you! I like the paint color too!
      I am really not sure what sickness Sandy had... it's a mystery!
