I miss these guys! :'( So precious!
Snow... what?!?
Coffee on a cold morning
Got some Red Broilers from Welp Hatchery
There were three of them that were almost dead because they were so cold. But only one didn't make it! So that was good!
Warming up!
I just LOVE chicks! <3 <3
Church and Bible study from home has been very interesting!
The boys put this door in. Which is SO nice! I hated having to go outside to get into this coop. Now I can just walk in!
I love these guys! Such sweethearts!
Opal got in the house. She was very pleased with herself!
Planted some old seeds. We shall see if they grow!
I put them in the incubator. Hopefully they like it!
Mom and I walked over the Gram's house for a visit with her, Aunt Carol, and Uncle Bernie. It was nice to see everyone!
My precious baby. <3 <3
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