Friday, February 20, 2015

Training Talitha and Bread Pudding

February 18, 2015

This is a video I took of me leading Talitha around the manure pile (which I am hoping to have removed this spring). Sorry about the long pauses, the camera is on a log with no one manning it.

After leading her around I gave her some sweet feed. 
That way it will always be associated with a sweet experience.

Meet the chickens!

We have some mixed breeds and Buff Orpingtons.

Right now they are laying 9-15 eggs a day which is way too much for us so we have been giving them away.

February 19th is Caleb's 16th birthday and he wanted a white cake.
So with the leftover eggs yokes from the cake, so many eggs, and old bread I decided to make Bread Pudding

Egg yokes and cinnamon

Brown sugar

Wheat bread

The Results
Since hot Bread Pudding, homemade carmel, and whipped topping were available, several people had it for supper. He he!


February 20, 2014

 Today Caleb took pictures of me leading Talitha. The cats of course were there. :)

Watson, watching Caleb

Caleb's boots

Opal and Watson

Today she hardly pulled on the lead rope. A great improvement!

While she was eating grain I took her lead rope off.

Caleb, Watson, and Talitha

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