Emmie getting decorations ready
The man power, for moving the heavy stuff
Waiting for something to do
Sam making the sugar and creamer dishes
Dad making the gravy
Potatoes, Aunt Carol made these and they were SO good!
I helped to pull the meat off seven turkeys. I was dreaming about pulling the meat with Jingle Bells running through my mind. I woke up tired that day!
All set!
Emmie made these pumpkin pies, they were yummy
Chupp's also made some pies. :)
Sam and Anthony served food
As did a few others :P
We played Roger Bennett's CD 'Midnight Meditations'
Well, here are some of the leftovers. :)
Josh stitching up his coveralls. He did a really good job! His stitches are amazing!
Another doe KK shot
We had the Fanton family stay at our house this week and some of last week, they will be moving into our Church's apartment next Monday! :)
KK got in my picture... We were having pizza that night :P
KK and Mom