Wednesday, April 26, 2017


Poor Kitty 
This kitty got in through our chicken coop window (which is now closed up) so Sam set him free.

Sandy in a pasture full of grass for the first time (as far as I know)!

I am excited to see how big her udder will get when she is giving milk!

Enjoying some grain

On Sunday some of the youth from our Church passed out tracts. It was a good stretching time for me. I am a shy person normally and having to try and give something to a stranger is pretty far out of my comfort zone! :P But God is faithful!

That evening some of us played 'HORSE'. It was terrible how out of practice we were! :D

Sandy is settling in nicely

She loves Gus :P

Sam, holding a friend's broiler. :)


Gus eating

A tree frog

Here is a picture of my Dad's family in the 70's. :P Don't you just 'LOVE' their hair and clothing styles?? Dad is in the back row third in from the left, has glasses and a blue/black shirt. :)

Our house






A friend's kitten


This old barn was torn down. So sad. :(


It was pretty nice out on Sunday, so we went to the park. :)

Watson watching me do chores. :)

I planted carrots

Fodder beets

I also planted green beans, much to KK and Sam's annoyance! 

I wanted to encourage you this week to send or give someone an encouraging note. A sweet friend of mine gave me a card and it blessed me so much that she was thinking of me! It is so worth it to take 15 minutes out of your day to brighten someone else's whole day.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Sandy is HOME!

On Saturday, April 15th, Josh and I got up around 2:30 a.m. and left our house at 3:00 a.m. so that we could pick up Sandy at 7:00 a.m.. We had a four hour drive one way. So a total of 8 hours!! Yuck!

Almost the whole way up to pick up Sandy it stormed! As you can see it was no little storm. :)

This gas station was weird and wouldn't accept Josh's card etc. It took us so long to get it figured out that we ended up being about 25 minutes LATE to pick up Sandy. :O

Sorry I don't have any pictures of the farm she came from. But she loaded right up into the trailer with almost no hesitation! She is a pretty amazing little girl! :)

Josh said the only thing about McDonalds coffee that keeps you awake is how bad it tastes! :P I love their Caramel Frappe. :)

Headed home.

I was so tired! I slept a little. Josh didn't seem to tired. :)

I asked Mom and Emmie to get this water tank for me while they were in town. :)

Our rig

Lookin' around

About a half hour from home!

Home and soaking up the sunshine. :)

She looks horribly skinny in this picture. :P But she hadn't eaten for a good part of the day and so her belly was pretty empty. :) She is settling in nicely. I am working on taming her, which is something I really enjoy. She is a sweet girl. Not pushy or aggressive. Also not really scared. Just a normal cow that came from a dairy where people don't touch them much. :)