June 9th
We all gathered by Ryan's house around 7 a.m. We all were so tired! :)
Everyday we were supposed to move to another car, so that we could get to know others better. I stayed in our van for at least three of the drives, but everyone switched around me... I guess I was naughty and should have moved. :( We were supposed to stay in that vehicle the entire day, so that we could keep track of everyone! The driver and all passengers was supposed to make sure their fellow travelers got back in the vehicle before we left from anywhere.

We arrived in Missouri around 2 p.m. and had lunch in a pavilion that was within walking distance of the community building where we were supposed to sing at that evening.
Baby-Fat (my nickname for her) was so happy to be out of the van!
Josh helping with the coolers. :P
All empty!
Getting the risers set up...
Looking on
After a half hour of quiet time, we all gathered back together for a little devotional/sharing time.
A little practice time...
Daddy studying for his devotional...
Oh wow... boy was I nervous! What a lot of people!!! :O
The guys all lined up and ready to go up front to sing the men's song.
Good job men!
All done! It was so so loud inside. A lot of us were totally done in and peopled-out. We needed to go to to bed! :)
Ah, the 'quiet' outdoors.

There was a ball game going on right beside the community building. It wasn't a really noisy group though. It was actually really relaxing watching and listening to them play.
June 10th
The next morning around 9 a.m. we all gathered at the Church. We all stayed at various houses. It was kinda funny how they would tell us who we were supposed to go with. At this Church they had the host stand up, then we had to stand up as they called our names so the host could see who we were. It felt a lot like an auction block! No choice or questions asked. :O Well, if we had a problem we could tell one of the 'Daves' and they would get us moved. Which, none of us had to do that! :)

One thing that was very important to for us was keeping active! We decided to hike to this 'castle' (I would call it a manor house... :) ). It was very nice! We sweated and got all worn out! :) :)

The 'Castle'
(I still won't call it a castle, it is a MANOR house! Anyway.)

Dave and Charlou
They did an amazing job keeping track of, well, everything!! :P
Kelsey took this picture. Thank you, Kels! <3

I wanted to go swimming in that water. :)
Sweet couple
Ryan and Kelsey

Looking up inside the water tower

Natural Bridge
It took forever to find this silly bridge! :P But boy was it neat! It was HUGE!

It was pretty hot outside, but under here it was nice and cool!

Ryan tried to get me to go out there... but I said no. I have only one life and body. I kinda want to keep them together and well for a while! :P

Around 1 p.m. we gathered for a devotion time and to get our lunches.
On the road again
Oh dear... Justin's car was having troubles. So almost all the guys got out to see what was wrong. :) They figured out it was the rear wheel bearings.
Justin looked up an Auto shop near us...
We arrived...
And stayed... for about 3 hours...
While the guys fixed the car
We had some good chats while sitting in the parking lot. :)

Some of the boys decided to play foursquare. It was nice! We had a very good time. Everyone was such good sports!
Oh dear! Look at those socks!

Around 10:30 p.m. we arrived at a gas station in Oklahoma where we split up into various vehicles and went to our host family's houses. It took us about an hour to get everyone organized.
We were so SO tired! I was like, 'Just put me in a vehicle and take me wherever and put me to bed'! Anna and I stayed at family's house together. They wanted to chat, but as some of you know, my memory is really bad on a good day. Now I was tired, didn't really eat much lunch, hadn't had dinner, and I nervous about being having to talk with strangers (good for me, but nerve-wracking!). Needless to say, I wasn't able to remember hardly anything. I felt pretty dumb. Good thing Anna was there or they'd of thought that a bunch of halfwits were at their house!
June 11th
The next morning so many people were sick with colds. I felt so bad for the people who had to listen to us! We sounded like frogs! :D
Some people recited Bible verses to replace the main message.
Can you tell we are tired? Dad took this picture for me. :P While we were standing up here they had us pass a microphone around and say our names and where we were from. :) I think there we four states and Canada represented here. :)
All of us! It was good to know that we were done... but kinda sad too...
Getting food
A yummy lunch! Soup was so refreshing after so many sandwiches. :P
My lunch
Sad goodbyes... :'(
We all wanted to talk, so on the last leg of the journey we packed into Chupp's van. We shared our family history and then sang a little. My voice was shot. I almost got laryngitis! Praise the Lord, my voice was only really was gone AFTER the program! God is good!
We got home around 10:30 or 11 p.m. Fantons and Petrusevichs stayed at our house. The girls stayed up talking, but I kept falling asleep while they talked. :)
Home sweet home... Nothing like sleeping in your own bed!